1977 Hercules “Prototype” 250MX
Ex Danny Turner Ride
This bike was orignally brought into the country by Mike McGowan in 1977. Mike worked with Sachs/Hercules to develop a motocross bike that could be sold in the United States. Development of these bikes began several years earlier and culminated in four MX bikes that were to be raced in the United States. Frank Stacy earlier and culminated in four MX bikes that were to be raced in the United States. Frank Stacy bikes, a factory van and mechanic. He raced the 1977 Trans-Am series finishing eight overall. The was the only American rider to receive a full factory ride from
Sachs/Hercules. He was given two other two “protoype” bikes came out to Mike on the west coast. This bike was primarily raced in shut down their development program. The following year, they produced a very limited number of production 250MX bikes of which only a handfull were shipped into the United States.
Special thanks to Dave Baskins of Somerset California and Terry Hicks in Northern California. Dave bought the bike from Terry several years ago. Terry saved the bike from being disposed of and eventually sold it to Dave. Both knew the history of the bike, who raced it and it’s historical value to the Motocross community.
The bikes history has been confirmed through Mike McGowan and Danny Turner. It was the original “prototype” for the production MX bike and was found to be in fairly original condition. It is being restored to it’s original race condition from 1977.